We make the fish happen
Guided trophy crappie, catfish and white bass fishing on Grenada, Sardis and Enid Lakes. Trips starting at $225.
Go Outside together
Whether you’re looking for Grenada Lake Charters hoping to catch a 3 pound or even 4 pound crappie, want to experience the thrill of wade fishing for white perch in Long Branch, or are just enticed by slab sac-a-lait: come check out what all the hype is about. Our Grenada Lake Crappie Guides, Sardis Guide Service, Enid Lake Charters, and Mississippi Crappie Guides are ready to make your fish happen.
Make The Fish Happen
Featured on first episode of WLBT’s Studio 3
We had the pleasure of hosting reporter Grace Temple and the Studio 3 camera team to record some footage for a lifestyle program Studio 3 which features Mississippi sports, entertainment, businesses, attractions, and events.
Catch. Clean. Cook. Field Trips with Robert Field featuring Barton Outfitters
When the Mississippi board of tourism partnered with Youtube Angler (and great guy) Robert Field to showcase fishing across the Magnolia State, he needed a guide to help put him on crappie. My buddy Josh Quong and I guided Robert and his buddy and camera man Brooks on a two day catch, clean, cook adventure. Check out the adventure here!
When we aren’t fishing and hunting…
We’re usually fishing or hunting. Check out this fun day afield with a gang of wirehaired pointing griffons hunting quail at Little “q” Ranch.
Make The Fish Happen
Guided Crappie Fishing Tours on Enid Lake, Arkabutla Lake, Grenada Lake, and Sardis Lake
Come fish our trophy crappie lakes with experienced, knowledgeable guides who will not only put you on fish but teach you techniques for locating and catching crappie on The Big Four year-round.
No-Limit Guided White Bass Fishing
If you’re a fighter not a lover, you’ll become both on a white bass fishing charter with Mississippi white bass fishing guide service Barton Outfitters. These trips take place year round, with peak white bass fishing in Mississippi typically occurring in March, but with ample opportunities for size and numbers April - late November.
Book today, fish tomorrow!
Whether you’re looking to catch white crappie or white bass, bowfin or bowfish, catch and release or catch cook eat, Mississippi Fishing Guide Service Barton Outfitters has you covered. Call or text 469-763-1885 24/7 to book or for more information.
The Guides
Joshua Quong Co-Guide
Lifelong friends who didn’t meet until their thirties. Josh is the feather to Aaron’s fin, a local educator, writer for Field Ethos Journal, father and damn good fishing guide when he isn’t running his own first-class upland wingshooting preserve Little “q” Ranch.
Rusty Barfield - Head Fishing Guide
Another of Aaron’s biological siblings who shares neither the same mother or father, Russ was born Dennis and stayed that way until he hired Aaron to run a guided fishing trip and Aaron returned the favor. Rusty and his boat MS Pixie Stick are set up to run alligator hunts, crappie and white bass trips, and Russ often has sleep overs at Fish Camp because that’s what brothers do.
Brannon Kirby - Lead Fishing Guide
Capt. Kirby (aka the hardest working man in Crappie Fishing) guides from a 22’ camo War Eagle aptly known as the “Crappie Tank” for us and his own gig Franklin Fishing Tours. He is a retired air traffic controller, commercial fisherman, hunting guide, Barton Outfitters Summer Fishing Camps Guide and father.
Dr. Shayne McGivney - Associate Guide
Shayne is an expert Livescope Crappie angler and guide both with Barton Outfitters and his guide outfit Cornerstone Crappie, the Senior Pastor of Belden Baptist Church, and a longtime friend of Aaron who was so annoyed by Shayne’s constant outfishing that he hopped on Shayne’s boat one day and made the Pastor teach the guide how to catch a crappie.
Andy Houston - Associate Guide
Aaron met Andy loading out one day at the boat ramp. Andy’s clients told us we needed to associate ourselves with Lone Cypress Fishing and we haven’t turned back since. When Andy isn’t running his own trips, he’s helping Barton Outfitters clients Livescope giant crappie with remarkable efficiency and with our summer fishing camps.
JJ Collins - Associate Guide
Shayne is an expert Livescope Crappie angler and guide, the Senior Pastor of Belden Baptist Church, and a longtime friend of Aaron who was so annoyed by Shayne’s constant outfishing that he hopped on Shayne’s boat one day and made the Pastor teach the guide how to catch a crappie.
Matthew Bascomb - Associate Guide
Barton Outfitters fishing guide and owner of 4:12 Customz hand crafted crankbaits.
William Smith - Guide-at-Large
Barton Outfitters hunting and fishing guide, occasional ranch manager and owner of Willy C’s Shrimp.
Tyler Rodriguez - Guide-at-Large
Barton Outfitters hunting and fishing guide, occasional camp Chef, ranch manager, and star of the outstanding outdoor youtube channel T-Rods Outdoors.
Mark Alred - Associate Guide
Barton Outfitters fishing guide, tournament angler, and owner of Pickwick Lake Fishing.
Chris Lambert - Associate Guide
Barton Outfitters fishing guide and tournament angler.
Whether you’re looking to go on an affordable, local, meat trip to harvest from the ample populations of Mississippi white bass and whitetail does or you want to chase wild ringed neck pheasant in Iowa or released birds on your own land, we’ve got you covered.
We offer guided fishing and hunting trips as well as craft, outfit, and guide custom destination outdoor adventures for groups from 1 - 20. Perfect for bachelor parties, corporate events, date nights, family outings and a day in the woods with dad.