06/16/2019 Six Father’s Day Bass at Drewery I’m Upper Sardis WMA

Got up late this morning at 6:30 and hauled out to Puskus to do a little fishing and filming. I met two folks fishing on the boat ramp dock who weren’t doing any good and a family on the next dock over who did well at the fishing rodeo the day before and overnight. I fished for almost two hours getting only a single strike each on a spinnerbait and fluke. I was determined to catch fish so I decided to change lakes and make the quick 15 minute hop to Drewery Lake.

When I arrived there was another kayak angler who said all he could catch fish on was the color red. I thanked him for the tip and proceeded to catch five bass in under an hour on a green/orange spinnerbait and a weightless flukes.

10:04 am And we’re off with a small bass on a $1 strike king promo spinnerbait from Wal-Mart

This bass jumped off the spinnerbait and back into the water shortly after this still.

This bass jumped off the spinnerbait and back into the water shortly after this still.

10:05 am I find a school of small bass and grab my first of three on a pearl Zoom weightless fluke


10:16 am another on the weightless fluke


10:23 am last of the school before heading to fish a beaver dam off a lake point (weightless fluke)


10:31 am Best bass of the day and possibly Drewery PB (a little under 2) on weightless fluke


11:09 am After checking in with Wife and agreeing to fish in before Father’s Day Lunch at Chipotle I catch the final bass of the day.

Please excuse the hair in all pictures. I forgot my hat and sprayed sunscreen in bed head

Please excuse the hair in all pictures. I forgot my hat and sprayed sunscreen in bed head

Headed to Father’s Day 2019 lunch with my hot wife Whitney and kids Cal (2) and Landry (5)

Headed to Father’s Day 2019 lunch with my hot wife Whitney and kids Cal (2) and Landry (5)