12/20/2018 Avoiding the gulf coast skunk

My family typically typically goes to see my Mom south of Houston, TX every other Christmas and Thanksgiving. While I don’t look forward to the grueling 10 hour drive with two kids under five, I do appreciate the opportunity to hunt and fish in the very different gulf coast environment. While I had intended on sneaking a duck hunt in at either the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge or Sam Bernard NWR, the timing of the hunt dates didn’t match up with my energy and availability.

i settled instead for a little Southeast Texas pond and ditch fishing, wetting a line at Resoft Park, Mustang Bayou, and the American Canal, all near Pearland, TX.  I took Cal with me to American Canal and Resoft park.


He enjoyed the park because it was full of very bold resident waterfowl and had a nice park. 

Cal wasn’t feeling the cold while we were canal fishing  

Cal wasn’t feeling the cold while we were canal fishing  

Despite several hours of earnest fishing over several days, all I could manage to drag out of the water was a healthy largemouth bass that I caught cat fishing with dead shrimp and a treble. I’ve never caught a bass on dead shrimp, so the novelty was amusing enough to consider the whole effort a success.