4/7/2019 Took the kids out on the bass boat for a cruise

It rained all day Saturday. It was looking like it was about to rain all day Sunday, and then it slowed its roll. The kids and I were plenty anxious and feeling all antsy in our pantsy with cabin fever so when the sky stopped falling around 4:30, we loaded up the Highlander with our inflatable bass boat and three zebco polls and headed to the Holly Springs National Forest. We planned on fishing Lake Denmark, which is not accessible by vehicle, but does have a creek that runs from the upper end that crosses the road.

When I fish by myself I typically just walk through woods 300 yards with my raft already inflated because its small enough to maneuver through the briars and sticks. The Explorer Pro 400 is too big for that so I had to decide whether to spend 20 minutes manually inflating the raft after carrying it down to the lake deflated or to take the creek from the road and portage where a beaver den had blocked entrance to the main lake.

Since I had the electric pump and things were rainy,  we opted to go up the creek. We loaded kids and gear onto the raft and paddled through the jungle. When we got to the damn, I jumped out into chest deep water and placed the kids on top of the dam. I drug the much lighter boat over the obstruction, reloaded the kids and we were on main lake for an hour or so of unproductive fishing and whining Cal. Oh well, can’t win ‘em all.

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