7/9/2019 3 Bass at Lamar Bruce and 1 at Elvis Presley

After shaking the cobwebs off at Lamar Bruce yesterday and on account of the family still hanging out at Resa’s I decided to return for the Tupelo shuffle (fishing both Elvis Presley and Lamar Bruce).

I flipped the order from yesterday, starting this day at Lamar Bruce. I put my kayak in at the boat ramp and fished shoreline cover.

4:23 pm First bass of the day off the last dock from the dam

First bass of the day on a junebug lizard

First bass of the day on a junebug lizard

5:00 pm Second bass of the day off a cut near the mouth of a cove


6:04 pm Last bass of day at Lamar Bruce before heading to Elvis


8:11 pm One bass at Elvis stopping to fish where I smelled fish

aaron barton