11/30/2018 A lone public land duck and a new place to try on Upper Sardis
Woke up at 5:50, which is about 50 minutes too late to duck hunt a spot 25 minutes from the house.
Decided to go out anyway just to see what was flying and how the hunter pressure was.
Went to the far north end of Upper Sardis WMA, larked where Cal and I scouted a week back and put out a dove mojo and half a dozen mallard decoys.
Dublin and I laid on the ground and had a few groups of wood ducks fly over and a group of ringed necks decoy, one of which was dropped.
Dublin’s first 2018 Big duck season retrieve (teal have already been fetched)
Had to get out of there early, but went back out to Sardis to check the other side of the highway and found a nice series of tanks, a pit viper, and some ideas for tomorrow’s hunt.
Some of the tanks were only half full. Others empty.
Still plenty of water and varying hide cover to hunt.
Walking is okay, but briars have really grown up along some main interior trails.