12/12/2018 A wood duck drake at dawn

Bird dog and I returned to where Cal of The Wild and I scouted yesterday and stood along the still high creek’s new edge in some trees. 11 groups of birds, mostly singles and pairs started flying 28 minutes before sunrise. The overhead cover was thick and I only managed to get fire two shells but the second connected with a beautiful wood duck drake that fell from the sky with a thud. 

Dublin didn’t see him fall but after hearing the duck splash bolted to the retrieve and proudly brought the harvest to hand. 

The fast action morning flight abruptly ended two minutes before sunrise. 


Since big duck season, Dees and I have been discussing woodducks. We’ve studied decoys, listened to the calls, and painted a couple of the pretty nesting birds. 

She was pumped when I brought it home for her inspection. 


I was just happy the two hour we spent tracking my friend Zack High’s dad’s deer through the swamp with two kids under five didn’t ruin her naturalist appetite.
