2/24/2019 Park, Tacos, Catfish, Drum “where Sunday go?”

It wasn’t supposed to take 20 minutes to get gas and lays potato chips before our fishing  trip. But it didn’t, on account of the cat we let into the convenience store and then chased through aisles and behind the counter and into the kitchen. The owner tried to help us with a broomstick when it got under the deli case. We left without successfully evicting the feline. 

When we got to Sardis, the water was high. We walked to the end of the boat ramp where I knew we could cast to a drop off that held fish. Landry was game at first in the 57 degree weather but quickly confessed her desire to move off the pier and into the parking lot (which the water had nearly reached) to have better access to the rip rap so she could fill up the bucket with rocks.


I obliged and after we got a few poles out little miss everything had to pee. So we reeled in everything and made the massive hike (at least toting a five year old) up to the bathroom. After I checked for ladies we both entered the woman’s restroom. She was worried about loud automatic toilets. I tested one and to her delight they were neither. She did her business and we walked back out toward our car, the lake and our gear. I got two poles back out and was preparing to bass fish before deciding to reel in one and reposition it. Once it was halfway to shore, I noticed a small fish was on the line. I yelled to monkey to come help me reel it in, which she did with all appropriate enthusiasm. 



We took a few pictures and removed the hook when I noticed our other pole (pictured here in background) was getting a bite. I set the hook and gave the pole to Dees and she fought it to the shore equally excited. 


We then fished a bit longer and decided it was time to come home. We asked a group of girls that had just gotten off a boat with some young men who had fled the scene to take our picture. They obliged and we stuffed up back into the Highlander Truck, finished our Lays and headed back to Oxford to eat Tacos. Sunday’s gone with the wind..... 

