3/21/2019 Fish Rodeo With Tyler and Cody at North Cypress Lake

I had agreed to meet up with Tyler and Cody at North Cypress Lake and since I flaked last time I was determined to not only make it out, but beat them out there. I dropped Cal off at Church and then headed out to the lake to pre-fish. I fished for about an hour (those guys were probably 45 minutes behind me) and then left my raft to go get Cal with plans to return in about a half hour. Amazingly, things went according to plan.

I didn’t catch anything in the first half hour so when I returned I was curious how the fellas were doing. I yelled out at them and was surprised to hear they were wearing them out, having boated about 6 or 7 fish. They told me they were biting crawfish off the levee so I decided to go out there and throw that. I fished nearly the entire levee before a little pre-spawn mama gobbled up my blue arkie crawfish jig trailer (texas rigged) and I boated my best bass of 2019.

We then shared a cold adult beverage and since the wind was so fierce, I had them tie my raft to their aluminum boat and tow me up into creek channels. At one point I was convinced to shotgun an adult beverage (amateurs) but since these guys outfished me 8 - 1 collectively, I obliged without objection.

I think they ended up with four a piece and me just my one nice bass, but we all had a great time and will do it again soon.