8/2/2019 Three more bass at North Cypress Lake on the fly

Yesterday Whit came home from hair appointment and asked when I was going to the woods. I was not planning on going to the woods but I have learned when someone expects you to be fishing, especially when that person is not you, you should be fishing.

I left my tripod at home so fishing and filming became just fishing, which is just fine by me.

I decided to use the same Bett’s Bass Bug sz 1 popping fly I had enjoyed success with the past couple of days.

6:11 pm I get my first and biggest of four bass to the boat (only three were landed)


6:46 pm I grab another bass, again on the popping fly


7:38 pm After fishing the creek channel up the middle of the lake, getting several nice strikes and misses, I caught the last one of the day
