Workout Log Week Ended Sunday 7/30/17

My good friend Matt Lankford (Mijo) and I occasionally share ideas and tricks we've picked up in everything from personal finance to duck hunting to workouts. 

We were discussing fitness the other day and he mentioned that he had started tracking his workouts on a weekly basis in preparation for an upcoming elk hunting adventure. I asked that he send me his file, which he did. 

I liked the layout and also the concept of breaking training up into manageable week-at-a-time segments. I have adapted and adopted his approach to suit my preferences.

The benefits of logging your training (in any medium) are logical:

- seeing progress and consistency are motivators

- having a chronological history can allow you to revisit your prior training with the benefit of hindsight and give you a reference on where you should (or could) go next (did I get stronger? leaner? how much resistance training was I doing when I looked like "that"

All of the exercises listed were performed throughout the day at work or home (exception Sunday, which was done in a hot sweaty outside hour).