6/6/2019 2 Bass in the Rain at Puskus including a new Puskus PB (3lb 12oz)

Went out to Puskus ahead of the rainy system moving through this weekend. I hit a tree that had fallen on the road in the storm on way in, then spent 20 minutes dragging the behemoth out of the Corolla Truck’s way. 

Once I got on the water, the rain (which had mostly subsided) naturally picked back up. I opted to not film in hopes of not doing any damage to my camera (aka iPhone X) but kind of wish I would have rolled the dice. I again was dragging weightless flukes over vegetation and at 8:07 heard an explosion near my bait and set the hook to a very strong objection. I figured the weight at the other end of the pole was due to Lilly pads getting involved in the matter but when drag began inching out, I realized I had a nice bass. 

I boated it, weighed it, took a picture and tossed it back to grow. 


I caught one more (small by comparison) but decent for Puskus off of a smokin’ shad weightless fluke and headed back to play Daddy.


Later that afternoon, I returned to fish and was skunked, but did spot a massive recently dead bass (the biggest I’ve ever seen in real life). It looked like a bear had ripped a few mouthfuls of flesh off the fish, but it was so big and not so stinky that I felt compelled to weigh it. 5lbs 12oz even missing half its filets! 

That tells me Puskus can grow at least one big bass. I also met a gentleman who was fishing with his brother’s grandson. Nice folks. They did better than I did, reporting a Crappie, gar, and a nice largemouth.